Landing page for all of my artwork, sorted by tag. Please ASK to use any artwork. You do not have permission to post to other websites without first asking me. THIS INCLUDES AI INPUT. I am not stingy about it, but please just ask!
Art Commissions | Crafts | Science Illustration | Drawing Challenges | Fanart/Misc.
Drawing Challenges
The best way to get better is to practice. I enjoy challenging myself by participating in many monthly drawing prompt lists and competitions. These are not the most refined, as they are done nearly daily and limited to a few hours work, but I focus on learning technique and form as I go.
Challenges by Month
January: Goblin Week
February: FeBirdary
May: MerMay
June: JuneBug
July: ArtFight
August: Smaugust, Doggust, Yeehawgust
October: Inktober, Drawtober
November: Huevember, Dinovember
December: DecemBird, D+December
Love doesn’t just sit there, like a stone, it has to be made, like bread; remade all the time, made new.
-Ursula K. Le Guin